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[THA] 10) Copyright and Disclaimer [COP] | _ \ _____ _(_)___(_) ___ _ __ | | | (_)___| |_ ___ _ __ _ _ | |_) / _ \ \ / / / __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | |_| | / __| __/ _ \| '__| | | | | _ < __/\ V /| \__ \ | (_) | | | | | _ | \__ \ || (_) | | | |_| | |_| \_\___| \_/ |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/\__\___/|_| \__, | |___/ [REV] Version 1.2 [ 9/17/05 ] Added WWN to authorized sites and changed subtitles to codes in brackets, Version 1.1 [12/14/04] Added "Grit vs Other COs", fixed some ASCII, added a subtitle under the ASCII titles for easier use of Ctrl + F Version 1.0 [12/01/04] Wrote the FAQ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ___|_ __(_) |_ | |_| |__ ___ | |__ __ _ ___(_) ___ ___ | | _| '__| | __|____ | __| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` / __| |/ __/ __| | |_| | | | | ||_____| | |_| | | | __/ | |_) | (_| \__ \ | (__\__ \ \____|_| |_|\__| \__|_| |_|\___| |_.__/ \__,_|___/_|\___|___/ [BAS] Grit is the king of indirect fire. With an extended range and pumped up attack, he can kill enemies that can't attack him back. Why play as Grit? Well, first off, he has some of the best music in the game. Secondly, he's a more defensive player, which I think takes more strategy to play well. Instead of rushing ahead with a few tanks, you'll want to build a few artillery and destroy what comes at you until your army is ready to move. Grit is deadly in the right hands, but if you misuse him, you'll get overrun and not have the strength to fight back. I'll get more into strategy later. ____ _ _ / ___|| |_ __ _| |_ ___ \___ \| __/ _` | __/ __| ___) | || (_| | |_\__ \ |____/ \__\__,_|\__|___/ [STA] What can Grit do? First, let me explain the basic stats. The stats will be shown with a ratio, like ###/###. The first number is the offense, the second is the defense. 100 is the standard (100% strength) so units that are 100/100 are normal. Other than the stats, the biggest advantage Grit has is with his Indirects. They all get an extra space of range, allowing him to hit targets even farther away. (Note: For this purpose, the Battleship is counted with the Indirects). Unit Stats: 120/100: Artillery Rocket Missile Battleship 100/100: Infantry Mech APC T Copter Lander 80/100: Recon Tank Anti Air Md Tank Neo Tank B Copter Fighter Bomber Submarine Cruiser Some of you are probably looking at this list and thinking, "Man, does this guy have a lot of 80/100 units. Why would I want someone so weak?" That's the reason I wrote this. Grit can be one of the most powerful COs, but only when used right. I'll get into deeper strategies later, but a few comments on the units. All the indirects are stronger and have a larger range. That is really Grit's only strength, but it's a powerful one. His foot soldiers are normal, which helps a lot in the early game. Everything direct fire is 80/100, which hurts him, but not as much as you might think. With Grit, the only thing you'll be using direct fire units for is to protect you indirects and mop up after they're done. More on that later... The other main stat that COs have it their CO power. You should know about it, so I won't go in-depth about it, just show you what they are. CO Power Bar: xxxXXX CO Power (COP): Snipe Attack Adds an extra square of range to the indirects. Indirects become 150/110 Foot Soldiers and Transport Vehicles become 100/110 Direct Fires become 80/110 Super CO Power (SCOP): Super Snipe Adds two extra squares of range to the indirects. Indirects become 150/110 Foot Soldiers and Transport Vehicles become 100/110 Direct Fires become 80/110 _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ | | | |_ __ (_) |_ | __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | ____| | _____ ___ __ | | | | '_ \| | __| | _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \ | |_| | | | | | |_ | |_) | | | __/ (_| | < (_| | (_) \ V V /| | | | \___/|_| |_|_|\__| |____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_| [UNI] This section is designed for beginners who might want help determining how to use specific units. I'll organize it in the same order as my list above. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( I | n | d | i | r | e | c | t | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Artillery: The Artillery is the basic indirect fire unit. At a reasonable 6000 cost, it's one of the cheapest vehicles in the game. With other COs, the artillery's uses are lessened, but with Grit it will be your primary unit. The increased firepower and range make it close to a normal Rocket unit, at less than half the cost. Cost: 6000 Movement: 5 Range: 2-3 squares (2-4 with Grit) Ammo: 9 Vision: 1 Rocket: The Rocket is the best indirect unit in most games. The Battleship is better, but it can only be used on maps with sea. With a large range and good power, the Rocket can kill things from afar without being touched. With lower ammo than most, it is ideally placed on a city or with an APC. Due to the cost, it is better to get 2 Artillery in the early game rather than a Rocket, since you'll likely be stormed by multiple units, and the Rocket can only fire once per turn, where 2 Artillery can attack 2 targets. The other thing to watch out for is the minimum range. Let a unit get too close and you can't fire on it. If all you have it two or three rockets, spread them out so that one can fire within the minimum range of the other. Artillery also works well for this, since the minimum range is smaller. Cost: 15000 Movement: 5 (on roads), 3 (off roads) Range: 3-5 squares (3-6 with Grit) Ammo: 6 Vision: 1 Missile: Missiles have a very specific purpose, but excel at that. They can only target Air units, but will almost always kill their target. Obviously, if the map doesn't have any airports, don't build Missiles. If you find yourself under an aerial attack, however, a few Missiles will take care of it quickly. With the same range as the Rocket, beware the minimum range when you use these. Cost: 12000 Movement: 4 (on roads), 3 (off roads) Range: 3-5 squares (3-6 with Grit) Ammo: 6 Vision: 5 Battleship: The Battleship is the most powerful indirect fire unit in the game, with the largest range. It does have two weaknesses, which is the reason why it isn't used more. With the cost of 28000, you could almost build 5 Artillery or 2 Rockets. The other weakness, as the name makes obvious, is that it is a ship. It is limited to the sea, making it more effective in some cases, but less effective in others. If you have an army of battleships, make sure to protect it from submarines with some cruisers or your own submarines. Make sure you can afford one before you buy it, and make sure you can use it effectively. 28000 is a lot of money to spend on a single unit, so do so wisely. Cost: 28000 Movement: 6 Range: 2-6 (2-7 with Grit) Ammo: 9 Vision: 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( F | o | o | t ) ( S | o | l | d | i | e | r | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Infantry: There's not a lot to say about infantry. They're the basic unit of the game, the cheapest unit of the game, but the weakest unit of the game. They are very useful since they can capture. Other than cutting down Mechs and other Infantry, they aren't great in combat. But for Grit, they make a good, cheap shield for the enemy to cut through while your indirects blast away. Cost: 1000 Movement: 3 (normal), 1 (mountains) Range: Direct Ammo: Infinite Vision: 2 (normal), 5 (mountains) Mech: Similar to the Infantry, the Mech is a cheap, but weak unit. The main difference is that, though they are weak, they can take on more units with better success. A single mech can challenge tanks and recons, groups of mech can even challenge the mighty Neo Tank. For Grit, they are normal strength, so if you have a lot of bases, a lot of mechs with indirects to back them up, they can be more cost effective than the bigger units. Cost: 3000 Movement: 2 Range: Direct Ammo: 3, Infinite Vision: 2 (normal), 5 (mountains) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( T | r | a | n | s | p | o | r | t | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ APC: The APC has no weapons, no way to fight back, yet is one of the most useful units in the game. It has two purposes. It can carry a foot soldier, and since the APC can move at least double the distance of the foot soldiers, that is really helpful to get your troops to cities. The other purpose, and the most important one to Grit, is that it is a mobile supply depot. Put an APC next to an ammo intensive indirect and your worries are gone. Cost: 5000 Movement: 6 Range: n/a Ammo: n/a Vision: 1 T Copter: A T Copter is an APC without the resupplying. The main difference is that is can fly over terrain that the APC can't drive over. Useful if you need to get troops across seas or mountains quickly. Cost: 5000 Movement: 6 Range: n/a Ammo: n/a Vision: 2 Lander: The Lander is the sea's transport. It can carry two troops at once, and it can carry any land unit. In sea intensive maps, this unit is often the key to victory. Make sure to protect it, though. There's no more tempting target than a Lander carrying two Rockets (42000 down the drain). Battleships are good protection, and in narrow sea, Rockets also work well to protect. Cost: 12000 Movement: 7 Range: n/a Ammo: n/a Vision: 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( D | i | r | e | c | t ) ( F | i | r | e ) ( V | e | h | i | c | l | e | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Recon: The Recon is the cheapest vehicle in the game, in both respects of the word. It only costs 4000, but it doesn't give a ton of firepower. It can cut down foot soldiers, work with some success against the weaker vehicles. But in the Fog of War, the Recon shines. The name should give it away, but the Recon is the scout of the game. Use forests to hide your indirects and recons as you lay traps for your opponent in the Fog of War, Grit is especially good at this. Cost: 4000 Movement: 8 (3 per non-Road surface) Range: Direct Ammo: Infinite Vision: 5 Tank: The tanks are the core of the ground assault, at least for anyone other than Grit. Effective against most units, it's a good all around unit. Grit makes it weaker, but it is still good for mopping up after your indirects and blocking choke points. Cost: 7000 Movement: 6 Range: Direct Ammo: 9, Infinite Vision: 3 Anti Air: The name of this vehicle should give away the primary purpose of them, killing anything that flies. They are also good against foot soldiers and decent against smaller vehicles. They also work for mop up and blocking, but for Air units, Grit's Missiles can handle anything other than a surprise air attack. If Air units do surprise you, the Anti Air helps a great deal until your Missiles get set up. Cost: 8000 Movement: 6 Range: Direct Ammo: 9 Vision: 2 Md Tank: A more powerful version of the tank, it can still do good damage despite Grit's weakness. Good for many things, excels at blocking choke points while your indirects pound away at the enemy. If you can afford it, it'll help, but unless you already have a decent defense, I'd get a Rocket or multiple Artilleries. Cost: 16000 Movement: 5 Range: Direct Ammo: 8, Infinite Vision: 1 Neo Tank: The biggest tank and the most expensive ground unit, it is powerful, even Grit's Neo Tanks can do intensive damage. The ideal blocker of a choke point, but the cost makes it difficult to use for that. While high powered, the cost is generally too great, especially for Grit. The same argument for the indirects, if I was rushed by a large force of smaller units, I'd rather have three tanks than one Neo tank. Since that happens most often, Grit should rarely use Neo tanks. Cost: 22000 Movement: 6 Range: Direct Ammo: 9, Infinite Vision: 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( A | i | r ) ( U | n | i | t | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ B Copter: A solid and mobile fighter, B Copters are good at assisting your indirects. Other than Anti Airs and Missiles, ground units have trouble doing significant damage to B Copters, so they are great at mopping up after an Indirect barrage. They are effective against other copters, but can't fire against planes. Cost: 9000 Movement: 6 Range: Direct Ammo: 6, Infinite Vision: 3 Fighter: The only air unit that can fire against planes, it is very useful against enemies that like their air force. More mobile than Missiles, they are useful for keeping an air force off a rapidly advancing force. Of course, Grit rarely has one of those, so Grit's Fighters are also rarely used. Cost: 20000 Movement: 9 Range: Direct Vision: 2 Ammo: 9 Bomber: The Bomber is the most powerful Air unit, but it can only fire on ground units. It will devastate most ground units, and since it's a plane only four units can fire back on it. However, those four units will devastate it back if given first shot. Keep it guarded against Fighters, Cruisers, Anti Airs, and Missiles and it will be a great help. Grit's Indirects can protect it as long as it doesn't venture too far, so if you can afford it, it will help you. Cost: 22000 Movement: 7 Range: Direct Vision: 2 Ammo: 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( D | i | r | e | c | t ) ( F | i | r | e ) ( S | h | i | p | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Submarine: The Submarine is the sea's Fighter. It can only fire on other ships, making it limited on maps with little sea. But if your opponent is using sea units, Submarines are needed to protect your valuable Battleships. The ability to dive and stay hidden is invaluable in this. If there's a sea chokepoint, just dive a sub and watch as your enemy can't touch you. Cost: 20000 Movement: 6 Range: Direct Ammo: 6 Vision: 5 Cruiser: The cruiser is a strange mix of other units. It lends itself to special cases, but in those cases it excels. It is the Anti Air of the sea, taking out Air units with ease. It is the only unit that can fire on an underwater submarine (other than more submarines). In a strange turn of events, it can also carry two copters, but only has one extra movement, making it hard to effectively use this. Cost: 18000 Movement: 7 Range: Direct Ammo: 9, Infinite Vision: 3 ____ _ / ___| ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| | | | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | | | |_| | __/ | | | __/ | | (_| | | \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|_| ____ _ _ _ / ___|| |_ _ __ __ _| |_ ___ __ _(_) ___ ___ \___ \| __| '__/ _` | __/ _ \/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| ___) | |_| | | (_| | || __/ (_| | | __/\__ \ |____/ \__|_| \__,_|\__\___|\__, |_|\___||___/ |___/ [GEN] Ok, now to the meat of the FAQ. How to effectively use Grit. I'll start with some very general strategies, then move on towards more specific ones. In most maps, a good start is essential to victory. In multiplayer, humans will attack you much faster than the computer, making it even more important. So, how do you play off Grit's strengths in the beginning turns? Well, first off, get some Infantries capturing cities. Mechs can also capture, but conserving funds in important, and Infantries can move farther. Once you have enough, build an Artillery or two. Place them in good positions and wait for the first wave. If it's Fog of War, use the forests to hide them and ambush them. If there's a choke point, a Recon or Tank can be used, but don't spend too much on a blocker. Depending on the units coming at you, two mechs or seven infantry will hold out longer than a single tank. I've referenced them several times, but not really explained them. A choke point, simply put, is a place where you can block off all opponents and hide your Indirects behind it. While your blocker will take damage, your Indirects will devastate anything within range. A choke point is normally formed by mountains, a bridge, or sea, so look for places where you can block. Also, Air units can travel over any terrain and sea units can get across a sea. Foot Soldiers can cross rivers and mountains as well, so choke points are nowhere near invincible, but since many people rely solely on vehicles, it can buy you time and let you build up forces. Grit is primarily defensive, so going on offense too soon is disastrous. To quote Terragent, "If your friends are still speaking to you after you've used Grit against them, then you haven't used him right." Hold back, kill what comes at you, but don't advance beyond a defensive position until you are ready. Play carefully, don't stretch yourself too thin, and you call the shots. Your opponent will dance to your tune as long as you are careful. Don't leave a unit alone. Especially an indirect unit. Two Artillery next to each other are harder to kill than a single one. A Rocket with a few Artillery scattered around it is even harder to kill. As long as you keep your troops together, it'll be pretty hard to break it up. This one plays like it sounds. Constantly build Artillery until you have a steady stream to advance. Once you hit opposition, plant yourself and blast away while more come from your base to replace whatever is damaged. Add a few tanks and anti air to do mop up work, but mostly build Artillery. Beware Air attacks, since Artillery can't touch them. This is more of an Anti-strategy, a what-not-to-do. "One thing that you should not do with Grit is, at the beginning of the battle, some (n00b) people like to save up all their money to buy a rocket...but for [the same price], you could get two artillery and a mech (Grit's mechs are 100/100)... [the artillery] are almost as good as any other CO's rockets (and better than Max's) for just 40% of the cost, and are even cheaper than tanks. Of course, later in the game, the rockets will be very powerful resources, but at first, just stick with the artillery." [Thanks to Blitzbolt] The best way to use the COP and SCOP is to let your opponent build up forces just out of range, then unleash it. It'll get them within range and allow you to devastate them without retaliation. It's also helpful to have other units (tanks/ anti airs) to advance after your Indirects are finished to mop up. It's a great way to start an offensive when you're ready. Blitzbolt adds, "Another good way to use Grit, is when playing against a human, when you have four or five stars, they will be expecting you to save up for super snipe, right? So, they will carefully stay one space out of your range. That is when you come in with snipe attack. The only difference between snipe attack and super snipe is one the one space difference. The firepower is the same. The will/might be surprised at that. Next time when you have four or five stars, they will stay two spaces out of your range, since they caught on right? Then you can advance slowly, one space at a time. They may keep moving back since they are scared of you surprise using snipe attack." In the Fog of War, Grit can really shine. Hide your indirects in forests and use Recons to lure the opponent into a trap. Keep an extra Recon in the forest for visibility. Mass artillery in a checkerboard pattern. This is extremely effective for multiple reasons. The biggest is simply that the ranges will overlap. They can annihilate a unit coming to assault. Even with a larger force, they'll only kill the first layer or two, and then it's your turn. The layers behind him will destroy those units, more than a normal person with his 4 range on the artillery. The Checkerboard Assault is good in open areas where choke points are non-existent. [Thanks to donnyton] Form a solid line of artillery with a line of rockets behind them. If the opponent attacks, about 8 indirects will fire on it. An alternate strategy from the Checkerboard Assault, the Line of Death is an expanded version of the choke point. Obviously this can be used to make choke points out of places that are just a few spaces wide instead of trying for the single square gap. [Thanks to donnyton] By positioning artilleries and rockets sparsely, you will be able to fire on just about every square. Just like Sonja placing recons everywhere, but denser, so they can protect each other. There will be room for tanks or other direct vehicles to move around. [Thanks to donnyton] ____ _ _ ____ _ _ / ___|___ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __(_)_ __ __ _ / ___|_ __(_) |_ | | / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| | '_ \ / _` | | | _| '__| | __| | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | || __/ | | | | | | (_| | | |_| | | | | |_ \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | \____|_| |_|\__| |___/ [COU] While Grit is great to use, he can be just as frustrating to face. This section is for a few tips for those who are having Grit troubles. Grit can have problems getting started quickly, so send a few speedy Recons in the early game to harass your opponent's foot soldiers and slow him down. After you start to get more cities, send a tank or anti air to keep his development down. In the Fog of War, use forests to hide your troops, but be careful. Sending troops into an area with a lot of forests and not hiding them is very dangerous against Grit. And NEVER pursue a Recon into a forested section. This works against most human players, even if they aren't using Grit. Look at how you play, and then differ from it while still appearing to be using it. If you use mostly vehicles, still send an occasional Recon or Tank against them, but build up an Air force or Navy. Watch as your B Copters and Bombers devastate Grit's Rockets and Artillery before he can get a Missile or Anti Air out. If you use Air and Sea, rely on vehicles more. In most situations, your CO choice is up to you. If you know you are going against Grit, choose a CO that will counter him well. Max, Jess, Eagle and Adder all have ways to increase their movement, allowing them to duck into the minimum range without getting hit. Sonja will counter his advantage in Fog of War. Colin can hit him hard in the early game. Kanbei's units can withstand greater blows. Drake and Olaf can damage units without getting close. Play off the strengths of your CO and Grit's weakness. ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ ___ / ___|_ __(_) |_ __ _____ / _ \| |_| |__ ___ _ __ / ___/ _ \ ___ | | _| '__| | __| \ \ / / __| | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | | | / __| | |_| | | | | |_ \ V /\__ \ | |_| | |_| | | | __/ | | |__| |_| \__ \ \____|_| |_|\__| \_/ |___/ \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| \____\___/|___/ [OTH] How well does Grit fare in a battle against other COs? Not taking the other player's strategic ability into account, I'll give a brief summary of how to play against each CO. Andy- Andy is a basic CO, no real strength and no weakness to exploit. You would play normally against Andy, no advanced strategies are needed. Max- Max is the exact opposite of Grit, making a battle between the two very interesting. On Grit's side, if he can block a chokepoint and bombard Max until he's ready to make a move. Max, on the other hand, tends to prefer more open areas to fight on. If Max can break through a shield, Grit's indirects are in grave danger. It's a difficult battle, especially if the opponent does a lot of early recon strikes. Sami- Sami excels with foot soldiers, so be prepared for a Mech Flood. Really, the best way to beat her is with a lot of artillery and some infantry to be a shield/ mop up after the artillery is done. Nell- Nell is all about luck. Her troops are all normal strength, so there's no special strategies that should be used against her. Hachi- Hachi can spam normal strength units at you, due to the reduced costs. He doesn't have a weakness to exploit, so the biggest tactic will be to have a lot of artillery as opposed to the stronger rockets. Olaf- Olaf's troops are all normal strength, so the only thing to look out for is the strategic use of the CO powers. Since your advances will be slow, the snow shouldn't affect you as much. The two damage of his CO power is dangerous, so make sure to rest your indirects on cities if you have a chance. Colin- Colin is perhaps the hardest normal CO for Grit to beat. His cheap units can spam, making it hard to keep up a solid shield. Keep a steady group of artillery near the front line to help take care of the waves of troops. Kanbei- Kanbei and Grit share the liking to a slow early game, so by the time you encounter the first of his troops; you should have a fair defense in place. If he builds up an army and rushes, you may have difficulty killing it off before it breaks through. Otherwise, keep a steady stream of indirects coming to the front line and slowly advance. Sonja- In FOW, Sonja is a challenge for Grit, since he relies on the shadows to ambush. Her counter attacking ability doesn't work against indirects, so that ability is only a problem if you are mopping up units with your shield. The other problem with her is the hidden HP. Using rockets against a 1 hp unit is very wasteful and can contribute to a defeat. Use the animations to determine the HP of units if possible and try to plan your targets accordingly. Sensei- Sensei is a difficult CO for Grit, simply due to his strengths. Sensei will most likely spam Mechs like Sami, but he'll also throw in B Copters. To respond, you'll have to divert funds to making missiles to kill those. The splitting of funds can weaken your wall enough to allow him to break through. If you play carefully, you can beat him, but it is difficult. Eagle- Eagle is an interesting opponent, all COs have to be careful against him. Grit can use missiles to beat back the air forces with ease. However, Eagle can easily break through Grit's wall with his SCOP. Play with caution, build a huge defense, and make sure you can survive a Lightning Strike. Drake- Drake is another interesting battle. Most COs suffer a great fuel problem when fighting against him, but Grit already needs an APC intensive army for ammo, so that aspect is as bad. However, the damage he can deal with his COP/ SCOP can greatly reduce the damage your indirects can do. Try to get your indirects repaired quickly after his COP/ SCOP, or if there's a pause in the battle, combine damaged units and build new ones with the excess funds. Jess- Jess can be very difficult for Grit to beat if her player uses her right. She gets a slight boost in all vehicles, so her indirects are second only to Grit himself. Her directs, however, can eat through a wall and get to Grit's indirects before he can respond. Flak- Flak is another luck based CO. His units are normal, so just beware the extra boost he can get. Adder- Adder is a very balanced CO, so fighting him requires basic tactics. The main thing to look out for is his CO power, which can allow him to zip in and get within Grit's minimum range. Lash- The battle against Lash can be either extremely hard or a push over. It all depends on the terrain on the map. Mechs coming through mountain can easily eat through a shield. With Prime Tactics, they are even more powerful and have an extra defensive boost. Try to confront her on roads and plains. Hawke- All of Hawke's units get a minor bonus, so his troops are balanced with no specialty. His COP/ SCOP can break a defensive front, so build a huge defense and advance slowly. Sturm- Sturm is cheap. Simply put, it'll take a lot of strategy and a lot of mistakes on your opponent's side to win. ___ _ _ ____ _ _ / _ \ _ __ (_)_ __ (_) ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ / ___|_ __(_) |_ | | | | '_ \| | '_ \| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| / _ \| '_ \ | | _| '__| | __| | |_| | |_) | | | | | | (_) | | | \__ \ | (_) | | | | | |_| | | | | |_ \___/| .__/|_|_| |_|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ \___/|_| |_| \____|_| |_|\__| |_| [OPI] This section is dedicated to various opinions on Grit, showing multiple views other than mine on this CO. My opinion: Overall, Grit is one of my favorite COs to use. When playing against a fast CO, you really have to be careful and set up a defense quickly. However, he is one of the easier COs to master. He's really the only Indirect specialist in the game, so anyone wanting to use mostly Indirects really doesn't have a choice (Jess probably runs second for indirects). Not that he's bad, it's just that if you want a strategic challenge he's not who you want to pick. He works well with most COs as back up if you like to play 2 vs 2 battles. So in summary, he rocks with Indirects, but is easy enough that beginners, with a little practice, can do well with him. I Blame Video Games: Grit is a very good CO, but you can't rely on Indirects to do the entire battle. You can't be afraid to use direct units as they can be useful, and Anti-air units are probably the better way to go in non-FoW maps to take down copter-happy enemies like Sensei. You also have to remember that Grit's Mechs are perfectly capable, and they make an excellent, cheap shield for your indirects. The fact that Grit is pretty much the only indirect specialist makes some people back down on using Indirects themselves, and you should use that to your advantage and expect a rush of direct units for the most part. Grit is going to have a decent trouble with Air and Sea heavy maps, as Missles can be impractical and Anti-Air units aren't going to effectively cripple Fighters and Bombers, especially Eagle's and Kanbei's, and using Fighters, Subs and Cruisers isn't going to be very effective for Grit, considering their inferiority and their cost. In air and sea battles, Grit is, for the most part, going to have to rely on his land units to defeat them, while Drake has smaller problems in the air with his COPs, and Eagle can rule the skies and the seas with his incredible Bombers. Grit is well above average on a land-focused battle, but he's going to have trouble's with the Air and Sea. _____ _ _ _ |_ _| |__ __ _ _ __ | | _____ | |_ ___ | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / __| | __/ _ \ | | | | | | (_| | | | | <\__ \ | || (_) | _ _ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\___/ \__\___(_|_|_) [THA] CjayC and gameFAQs.com- for inspiring me to write FAQs... My fellow SoLdiers, just because... Terragent and Linkman145, for organizing the CO FAQ writers... Xenesis Xenon, for the CO Stats FAQ, a great help... Terragent, for several basic strategy ideas from which I was able to form my strategies... Blitzbolt and donnyton, for strategies... I Blame Video Games, for opinions... ASCII picture generated by http://www.degraeve.com/gif2txt.php ASCII text generated by http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ ____ _ _ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ _ _ _ __(_) __ _| |__ | |_ __ _ _ __ __| | | | / _ \| '_ \| | | | '__| |/ _` | '_ \| __| / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |__| (_) | |_) | |_| | | | | (_| | | | | |_ | (_| | | | | (_| | \____\___/| .__/ \__, |_| |_|\__, |_| |_|\__| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| |___/ |___/ ____ _ _ _ | _ \(_)___ ___| | __ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | | | / __|/ __| |/ _` | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__| | |_| | \__ \ (__| | (_| | | | | | | | __/ | |____/|_|___/\___|_|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| [COP] This document is (c)2004 Phil Leide. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have suggestions, comments, questions, corrections, or additional strategies that may be useful and that are pertinent to the subject of this document, please e-mail me at the following address: thrawnfett@gmail.com Please, no spam or ads. Whether I use anything sent is entirely my decision. If your contribution is useful, it will be inserted in an future update to the guide and you will be given full credit for it. The only sites authorized to use this guide are listed below. If you want to use this guide, please e-mail me at the above address. gamefaqs.com warsworldnews.com