C17: The Creeper

Map Strategy

Maximum Score: 450 pts
150-pt. time limit: 6 days
100-pt. time limit: 12 days
Player CO: Tasha
Enemy CO(s): Tabitha
Special Condition(s): Destroy Talon Gun to complete objective

Overview: Build two Bombers, load Tasha into one of them, and rush the Talon Gun while escorting the Rockets with your Tank and Anti-Air. Specific movement with a loaded T-copter goads Tabitha into building enough units for the perfect technique score.

Day 1:

– Load Infantry into T-copter, move T-copter 2N 4W, and drop Infantry west.
– Move Tank 3S 3W.
– Move Anti-Air 3S 3W.
– Move Rockets 3W 2S.

Day 2:

– Begin capturing neutral factory with Infantry.
– Move Anti-Air 2S 2W.
– Move Rockets 3S 2W.
– Build Bomber in airport.

Day 3:

– Finish capturing neutral factory with Infantry.
– Move Bomber 3S 4W.
– Move Rockets 1S 3W.
– Move Tank 2W.
– Move Anti-Air 3W.
– Build Bomber in airport.

Day 4:

– Move Rockets 1N 1W.
– Move Tank 1N 1W.
– Move Anti-Air 1N 1W.
– Move western Bomber 1W.
– Load Tasha into Bomber and move Tasha/Bomber 2S 4W.
– Load Infantry into T-copter, move T-copter 6E, and drop Infantry south.

Tabitha Day 4:

– Tabitha should build a Mech, Infantry, and T-copter, bringing her unit count
to 17. If this happens, a perfect score is in your reach.

Day 5:

– Attack Anti-Tank with Rockets.
– If enemy Rockets in range of Tank or Anti-Air, retreat Anti-Air and Tank.

Day 6:

– Destroy Anti-Tank with Rockets.
– Move Tasha/Bomber 6W and destroy enemy Missiles from the east.
– Move Bomber 1N 6W and destroy Talon Gun.

Strategy by Yoshi and SBlues. Map image by Tsuruya.