Advance Wars 4 (AwDoR) Balance Patch by Gippy

Base Game: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (U)
Release Date: 3rd May 2020
Version 1.1: Download (XDELTA Format)
Short Description: This patch does 3 things:

  • Balance the COs. As well, all English information screens are re-worded to reflect the stat changes.
  • Adds a turn timer of approximately 5 minutes. (The exact timer is 4:58.65 due to coding quirkiness.) This should be plenty of time for remote desktop play.
  • Cracks Nintendo’s SSL authentication protection, allowing the game to connect to altwfc servers. Note that there still isn’t an emulator that can reliably do wi-fi play for everyone, thus this is currently only good for those with DS flashcarts.
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Damage Changes from AW:DS to AW:DoR

This is an abbreviated list of the unit damage changes from Advance Wars: Dual Strike to Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. It is particularly helpful to see how the roles of units have changed between the two games.

Unit Damage Changes
Attacking UnitDefending UnitDamage ChangeAW3 DamageAW4 Damage
Anti-Air Tank-1025%15%
Anti-Air AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank-510%5%
Anti-Air Bomber-575%70%
Anti-Air Fighter+565%70%
Anti-Air Transport Copter+15105%120%
Battle Copter Anti-Air-1525%10%
Battle Copter Mech-1075%65%
Battle Copter Missiles-1065%55%
Battle Copter Transport Copter-1095%85%
Battle Copter AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank+1025%35%
Battle Copter Rockets+1065%75%
Battle Copter APC/Rig+1060%70%
Battle Copter Tank+1555%70%
Battle Copter Recon+2055%75%
Bomber AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank-2095%75%
Bomber Anti-Air-1095%85%
Bomber Missiles-10105%95%
Bomber Infantry+5110%115%
Infantry Artillery-515%10%
Infantry Rockets-525%20%
Infantry Missiles-525%20%
Infantry Anti-Air-25%3%
Infantry Battle Copter+17%8%
Mech Anti-Air-1065%55%
Mech Battle Copter+39%12%
Missiles Battle Copter+5115%120%
Missiles Transport Copter+5115%120%
Recon Tank+26%8%
Recon Anti-Air+44%8%
Recon Infantry+570%75%
Recon Battle Copter+810%18%
Recon Missiles+2728%55%
Rockets Anti-Air-1085%75%
Rockets Tank-1080%70%
Rockets AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank-1055%45%
Rockets Missiles-590%85%
Tank AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank+515%20%
Tank Battle Copter+810%18%
Tank Anti-Air+1065%75%
AW3 Mid Tank/AW4 War Tank Battle Copter+2312%35%

Basic Information

Game Platform:

  • Nintendo DS

Release Dates:

  • North America: 21st January 2008
  • Europe: 25th January 2008

Digital Re-release Dates:

  • Japan: 30th October 2013 (Club Nintendo Reward)

Other Information:

  • Players: 1 to 4
  • Game Mode: Single Player, Single-System Multiplayer, Multi-Cartridge Multiplayer, Nintendo Wifi Connection (Ceased: 20th May 2014)
  • DSiWare Game Mode: Single Player, Single-System Multiplayer, Multi-Cartridge Multiplayer

Language Lockout Disabler (AW4) by Xenesis

Base Game: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (U)
Release Date: 15th November 2012
Version 1.0: Download (XDELTA Format)
Forum Thread: View
Short Description: Enables all Languages in the US version of the game that would normally be disabled by a software lock. Allows the game’s Japanese, German and Italian translations to be used by setting your NDS Region to that language.
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Army: Intelligent Defence Systems
The youngest child of Dr. Caulder. Numerous experiments have left her mind permanently shattered.
“Tee hee! Let’s go, Mr. Bear!”
Unlock: Complete C24: “Crash Landing”
Protective Effect
CO Zone Units: All Units
CO Zone: 3 – 4 – 5
Attack Boost: +10%
Defence Boost: +10%
Zone Effect: Immunity to all Weather effects (Snow, Rain, Sandstorm). Active even when CO Unit is not deployed.
Stormfront 60 HP
Changes the weather to either Snow, Rain or Sandstorm.
Effect on CO Power Activation:
• Current weather is set to either Snow, Rain or Sandstorm for 3 full days


Army: Intelligent Defence Systems
Belongs to the private military company IDS. A daughter of Dr. Caulder, she is extremely cruel and vindictive.
“Stupid weak people!”
Unlock: Complete C25 “Lab Rats”
Mega Boost
CO Zone Units: All Units
CO Zone: 0 – 1 – 2
Attack Boost: +60%
Defence Boost: +60%
Firestorm 60 HP
Tabitha’s CO Power fires a missile at the most HP rich target on the map. Gunboats are valued half as much as every other unit.
Effect on CO Power Activation:
• Creates a strike that targets a 5×5 diamond on the map targeting the highest HP, with half weighting for Gunboats. Inflicts 8 HP of damage.


Army: New Rubinelle Army
Ambitious and power hungry, he wants to destroy the Lazurian Army and rule the world as its new king.
“I’ll see you hanged for this!”
Unlock: Complete C21 “Lin’s Gambit”
Naval-Defence Boost
CO Zone Units: Copter Units, Naval Units, Seaplane Units
CO Zone: 3 – 4 – 5
Attack Boost: +20%
Defence Boost: +50%
Supply Chain 60 HP
Fuel, ammo and materials are restocked to maximum for all units. Supply Chain is the only method to restock materials under any circumstances.
Effect on CO Power Activation:
• All units have their fuel, ammo and materials supplied to maximum


Army: New Rubinelle Army
A member of the Rubinelle Army who seeks only to fulfill his own pleasures and desires.
“It’s time for Waylon to do some whalin’!”
Unlock: Complete C20 “Waylon Flies Again”
Aerial-Defence Boost
CO Zone Units: Air Units
CO Zone: 2 – 3 – 4
Attack Boost: +30%
Defence Boost: +40%
Wingman 60 HP
Enhances the defence of all air units.
Unit Ratings:
• Air Units: 410% Defence


Army: Lazurian Army
A Lazurian soldier. He is a man of few words, but a consummate professional.
“They don’t pay me to think.”
Unlock: Complete C13 “Greyfield Strikes”
Indirect-Attack Boost
CO Zone Units: Indirect Units, Naval Units
CO Zone: 2 – 3 – 4
Attack Boost: +30%
Defence Boost: +20%
Longshot 60 HP
Enhances all indirect unit’s attack range
Unit Ratings:
• Indirect Combat Units: +2 Firing Range


Army: Lazurian Army
A Lazurian soldier who burns with the desire to avenge her late brother.
“I will have my revenge!”
Unlock: Complete C12 “History of Hate”
Aerial-Attack Boost
CO Zone Units: Air Units
CO Zone: 1 – 2 – 3
Attack Boost: +50%
Defence Boost: +30%
Sonic Boom 60 HP
Enhances the movement of all air units.
Unit Ratings:
• Air Units: +2 Movement


Army: 12th Battalion
Has no memory of her past. Rescued by Will, she has joined the 12th Battalion – where she dreams of living in peace.
“I can’t remember anything…”
Unlock: Starts unlocked
Overall Force Boost
CO Zone Units: All Units
CO Zone: 2 – 3 – 4
Attack Boost: +20%
Defence Boost: +20%
Deep Strike 60 HP
Enhances all units’ movement and indirect attack range
Unit Ratings:
• All Units: +2 Movement
• Indirect Combat Units: +2 Firing Range


Army: 12th Battalion
The 12th Battalion’s unflappable second in command. She has tremendous respect for Captain Brenner, although they disagree often.
“Keep a cool head.”
Unlock: Starts unlocked
Ground-Force Boost
CO Zone Units: Ground Units
CO Zone: 1 – 2 – 3
Attack Boost: +30%
Defence Boost: +30%
Scout 60 HP
Enhances all units’ vision range and can view obscured tiles.
Modified Stats:
• Vision: +2
• Forest and Reef tiles are revealed when in vision range without requiring an adjacent unit


Army: 12th Batallion
A former Rubinelle military cadet who joined the 12th Battalion after being rescued by Captain Brenner – whom he idolises.
“Never give up!”
Unlock: Starts unlocked
Ground-Unit Attack Up
CO Zone Units: Direct Combat Ground Units
CO Zone: 2 – 3 – 4
Attack Boost: +30%
Defence Boost: +10%
Rally Cry 60 HP
Enhances the movement of all direct combat ground units.
Unit Ratings:
• Direct Combat Ground Units: +2 Movement


Army: 12th Battalion
Captain of the 12th Battalion. He has an unshakable faith in humanity’s goodness, and will aid any in need.
“The survivors need our help.”
Unlock: Starts unlocked
Universal Defence Boost
CO Zone Units: All Units
CO Zone: 3 – 4 – 5
Attack Boost: +10%
Defence Boost: +30%
Reinforce 60 HP
Heals all of Brenner’s units by 3 HP, up to their maximum health.
Effect on CO Power Activation:
• All units are repaired by 3 HP, including units inside transports

Trial Maps