Unlockables and Secrets

Commanding Officers

COUnlock ConditionPrice in Hachi's Shop
NellComplete every stage in the "Advance Wars" campaign1000 Points
HachiComplete every stage in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign1000 Points
GritComplete either "Olaf's Sea Strike" or "History Lesson" in the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points
ColinComplete "Two Week Test" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
KanbeiComplete "Kanbei's Error" in the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points
SonjaComplete "Sonja's Goal" in the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points
SenseiComplete "Foul Play" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
EagleComplete "Wings of Victory" in the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points
DrakeComplete "Battle Mystery" in the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points
JessComplete "Rain of Fire" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
FlakComplete "Liberation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
LashComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
AdderComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
HawkeComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign900 Points
SturmComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign1000 Points
Clone AndyComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign900 Points

Game Modes

ModeUnlock ConditionPrice in Hachi's Shop
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaignComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign OR select the locked menu item for the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" on the Campaign Select menu and confirm that you wish to proceed with spoilersN/A
Style 2 in Design Maps, Versus and War RoomStart the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaignN/A
Challenge CampaignComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty1 Point
Challenge Campaign 2Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty2 Points
DossierComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty300 Points
Alt. ColorsComplete "Enigma" in the "Advance Wars" campaign300 Points
Extra Parts in Design MapsComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty and view the tutorial for changing between "Style 1" and "Style 2"300 Points

Wallpapers and Artworks

ArtworkUnlock ConditionPrice in Hachi's Shop
NellComplete "Field Training"200 Points
AndyComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
MaxComplete "Max Strikes" (Andy) or "Max Strikes" (Max) in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
SamiComplete "Sami's Debut" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
HachiClear every stage in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
OlafComplete "It's War" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
GritComplete "Gunfighter" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
ColinComplete "Reclamation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
KanbeiComplete "Kanbei Arrives" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
SonjaComplete "Divide and Conquer" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
SenseiComplete "Sensei's Return" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
EagleComplete "Air Ace" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
DrakeComplete "Captain Drake" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
JessComplete "Sinking Feeling" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
FlakComplete "Flak Attack" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
LashComplete "Lash Out" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
AdderComplete "Tanks!" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign200 Points
HawkeComplete "Sea For All" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" challenge campaign200 Points
SturmComplete "Enigma" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
Clone AndyComplete "Andy Times Two" in the "Advance Wars" campaign200 Points
Bonus Artwork 1Complete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Casual or Classic modeN/A
Bonus Artwork 2Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic modeN/A
Reward Artwork 1Complete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Casual or Classic modeN/A
Reward Artwork 2Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic modeN/A
Reward Artwork 3Complete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Challenge modeN/A
Reward Artwork 4Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole" campaign on Challenge modeN/A


ArtworkUnlock ConditionPrice in Hachi's Shop
Orange Star National AnthemComplete "Liberation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Orange Star ThemeComplete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Nell's ThemeComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Andy's AnthemComplete Field TrainingN/A
Max's ThemeComplete "Max's Folly" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sami's ThemeComplete "Sami Marches On" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Hachi's ThemeComplete "Final Front" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Blue Moon National AnthemComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Blue Moon ThemeComplete "Toy Box" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Olaf's ThemeComplete "Olaf's Sea Strike" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Grit's ThemeComplete "Sniper" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Colin's ThemeComplete "Reclamation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Green Earth National AnthemComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Green Earth's ThemeComplete "Drake's Dilemma" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Eagle's ThemeComplete "Sami's Debut" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Drake's ThemeComplete "Naval Clash" (Andy), "Naval Clash" (Max) or "Naval Clash" (Sami) in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Jess' ThemeComplete "Sinking Feeling" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Gold Comet National AnthemComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Gold Comet ThemeComplete "Duty & Honor" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Kanbei's ThemeComplete "Mighty Kanbei" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sonja's ThemeComplete "Sami Marches On" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sensei's ThemeComplete "Sensei's Return" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Black Hole National AnthemComplete "Hot Pursuit" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Black Hole's ThemeComplete "Final Front" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Flak's ThemeComplete "T Minus 15" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Lash's ThemeComplete "Nature Walk" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Adder's ThemeComplete "Showstopper" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Hawke's ThemeComplete "Sea Fortress" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Clone's ThemeComplete "Andy Times Two" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sturm's ThemeComplete "The Final Battle" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
FanfareComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Fanfare 2Complete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Wars World NewsComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Wars World News 2Complete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
PrologueComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
The World of Macro LandComplete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Cosmo Land MapComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Macro Land MapComplete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Mission StartComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Battle SuccessComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Battle Success 2Complete "Orange Dawn" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
DefeatComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Count UpComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
ReinforcementsComplete "T Minus 15" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Move Out!Complete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
It's War!Complete "It's War" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sniper!Complete "Sniper" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Air Ace!Complete "Air Ace" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Mighty Kanbei!Complete "Mighty Kanbei" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Captain Drake!Complete "Captain Drake" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Sonja's Goal!Complete "Sonja's Goal" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Enigma!Complete "Enigma" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
ResolveComplete "Rivals" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
VictoryComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
To the Last StageComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Last Stage ThemeComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
EpilogueComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Final Front!Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Victory FanfareComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
CO Power!Complete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Super CO Power!Complete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Black Hole CO Power!Complete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Black Hole Super CO Power!Complete "Liberation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Factory DominationComplete "Liberation" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Staff RollComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Staff Roll 2Complete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign150 Points
Changing HandsComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
Design TimeComplete "Tank Ops" in the "Advance Wars" campaign150 Points
GalleryComplete Field TrainingN/A


MapUnlock ConditionPrice in Hachi's Shop
Pay DirtComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Long RoadComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Nest EggComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
The TridentComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Banker HillsComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Lost BasinComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Risky ValeComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
The RingComplete "Hot Pursuit" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Strong LandComplete "Hot Pursuit" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Missile PlainsComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
The RingComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
Strong LandComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
Big DaddyComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Grid AssaultComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
CrossroadComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Thorn IslandsComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
PortsmouthComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
Wyrm's EyeComplete "Hot Pursuit" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Knotted KeysComplete "Great Sea Battle" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Pipe MazeComplete "The Hunt's End" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
Lock RidgeComplete "Factory Blues" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
HeartlandComplete "Hot Pursuit" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign100 Points
BadlandsComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic difficulty100 Points
Bean IslandPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Crater IslePurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
TrianglesPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Ball IslandsPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Coral LagoonPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Puzzle TrioPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Fist PeninsulaPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Deer HarborPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Alara RangePurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Lost RiverPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Volcano IslePurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Turtle AtollPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Squash IslandPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Cube KeysPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Mirror IslandsPurchase the "Classic Case"N/A
Shark StraitPurchase the "Classic Case"100 Points
Royal ChannelPurchase the "Classic Case"100 Points
Little IslandPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Sun CanalPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Beaker RiverPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Star IslandsPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Eon SpringsPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Portal BridgePurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Sabre RangePurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Asphalt MazePurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Cog IslePurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Zero WoodPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
SwitchbackPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Ruby KeysPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Rainy HavenPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Rail StraitPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Tribe IslandsPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Vision BridgePurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Piston DamPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Hat HarborPurchase the "Bonus Case"100 Points
Swan CovePurchase the "Bonus Case"100 Points
Go IslandsPurchase the "Bonus Case"N/A
Hourglass IslePurchase the "Bonus Case"100 Points

Campaign Secrets

UnlockUnlock Condition
"Max's Folly", "Olaf's Navy" and "Olaf's Sea Strike" missionsSelect the mission "Max Strikes (Andy)" in the "Advance Wars" campaign
"Sniper!", "Blizzard Battle" and "History Lesson" missionsSelect the mission "Max Strikes (Max)" in the "Advance Wars" campaign
"Rivals" missionComplete every mission in the "Advance Wars" campaign
Free Play in "Advance Wars" campaignComplete the mission "The Final Battle" in the "Advance Wars" campaign
"Neotanks!?" missionCapture the property at [3,8] in the mission "Toy Box" and complete the mission in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
"Sea of Hope" missionCapture the property at [6,8] in the mission "Showstopper" and complete the mission in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
"Danger Times Nine" missionCapture the property at [0,9] in the mission "Sinking Feeling" and complete the mission in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
"Test of Time" (Challenge Campaign) missionCapture the property at [2,15] in the mission "Andy's Time" and complete the mission in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" challenge campaign
Neotanks for Orange StarComplete the mission "Test of Time" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
Neotanks for Blue MoonComplete the mission "Neotanks!?" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
Neotanks for Gold CometComplete the mission "Sea of Hope" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign
Neotanks for Green EarthComplete the mission "Danger Times Nine" in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign

ID Tag & Medals

MedalUnlock ConditionRank
ID TagComplete Field Training
ID Tag Color SelectConnect to Online for the First time and set it from the Online Menu
Advance Wars CampaignComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Casual or Classic DifficultyBronze
Advance Wars CampaignComplete every mission in the "Advance Wars" campaignSilver
Advance Wars CampaignComplete the "Advance Wars" campaign on Challenge DifficultyGold
Advance Wars 2 CampaignComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Casual or Classic DifficultyBronze
Advance Wars 2 CampaignComplete every mission in the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaignSilver
Advance Wars 2 CampaignComplete the "Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising" campaign on Challenge DifficultyGold
War RoomComplete a War Room map with an A rank or betterBronze
War RoomComplete 7 War Room maps with an A rank or betterSilver
War RoomComplete 15 War Room maps with an S rankGold
Design MapsCreate a design mapBronze
Design MapsShare a design mapSilver
Design MapsShare 5 design mapsGold
Hachi's ShopPurchase an itemBronze
Hachi's ShopPurchase 3 of each item type (CO, Map, Music, Art)Silver
Hachi's ShopPurchase all shop itemsGold
OnlineComplete 1 online matchBronze
OnlineComplete 3 online matchesSilver
OnlineComplete 10 online matchesGold

Easter Eggs

Easter EggHow to Activate
Deleting Data TutorialStart up the game, then hold L, minus and right arrow when the "Nintendo Switch" logo appears
Secret Design MapFrom the design maps menu hold minus, then press plus to create a new map
Hachi Alt CostumePurchase every single item from the "Battle Maps" shop and then re-enter it from the menu
View Hachi's Hints againEnter the "Battle Maps" shop when he has nothing to sell you and you will be asked if you would like to chat, if you say yes you will receive one of Hachi's Hints again
Unit placement messageIllegally place a unit in Design Maps 50 times
Unit placement message 2Illegally place a unit in Design Maps 100 times
Unit placement message 3Illegally place a unit in Design Maps 150 times
Unit placement message 4Illegally place a unit in Design Maps 200 times
Listen to Shop/Combat arrangements of MusicIn the Gallery, when playing a song, press R3 to switch between the standard, shop/menu and combat arrangements of a song
"Tank Ops" extra dialogueWin by HQ capture in the mission "Tank Ops"
"Copter Tactics" extra dialogueWin by rout in the mission "Copter Tactics"
"Olaf's Navy" extra dialogueWin by rout in the mission "Olaf's Navy"
"Cleanup" extra dialogueRun out of fuel with every unit in your army in the mission "Cleanup"
"Andy's Time" extra dialogueBuild a Neotank in the mission "Andy's Time"
"Test of Time" extra dialogueWin by rout in the mission "Test of Time"
"Silo Scramble" extra dialogueWin by HQ capture in the mission "Silo Scramble"

Christmas Map Pack 2022 (AW2) by Kartal

Base Game: Advance Wars 2 (U)

  • File/ROM SHA-1: 14DD0B22C894865867AFF89E8116B2DFFAE25605
  • File/ROM CRC32: 5AD0E571

Release Date: 18th December 2022
Version 1.1: Download (IPS Format)
Forum Thread: View
Short Description: This Christmas map pack features reworked/reimagined/AI improved/harder (at least 1 of those apply) versions of Advance Wars 2 maps, and Advance Wars 1’s The Final Battle map with Advance Wars 2 COs selectable (each having a custom pre-deployed army).

Continue reading

New Hacks Uploaded

Two new hacks have been uploaded to the site for you to play! The first is Advance Wars Story by PlatinumSkink for Advance Wars 2. It is a full campaign for you to play and enjoy!

The second is Advance Wars Balance by Kartal. It is a rebalance of the Advance Wars 1 COs for a more competitive Vs mode experience.

Give them both a play today, and give the authors feedback on their project posts on the forum, or discuss on the discord.

Advance Wars Balance (AW1) by Kartal

Base Game: Advance Wars 1 (U, 1.0)
Release Date: 23rd July 2022
Version 1.0: Download (IPS Format)
Forum Thread: View
Short Description: I tried my hands at balancing the AW1 COs.
The CO profiles detail the Power Bar length and stat changes (in AW2 defense format).

The game defines firepower and defense differently than its sequels.
Defense is damage taken, aka +10% defense = 90% damage taken. Each unit can have individual values to damage dealt and taken, and there’s a universal value pair for the whole army. The universal values are usually 110% damage dealt and 90% damage taken during Power. For COs with unite boosts/weaknesses, these add up. E.g. Max has 170% on his direct combat units. With 110% universal damage on top it adds up to 187%. Drake’s 80% air units become 88%.

COs which werern’t changed:
Sturm (Campaign) Continue reading

Advance Wars Story (AW2) by PlatinumSkink

Base Game: Advance Wars 2 (U)
Release Date: 14th January 2022
Version 1.82: Download (IPS Format)
Forum Thread: View
Short Description: This here is Advance Wars 2: A Story. It is made primarily because I had a story in mind and I wanted to make it into an actual game, but along the way I made a whole slew of changes to both COs and Units in ways that make sense to me.

Continue reading


Special: Vs.: Pre-Deployed:
3-Player: 4-Player: War Room:
Field Training: Campaign: Advance Campaign: