T11: Star Islands

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Trial Maps Guide

T11: Star Islands

Move over the image to show the map without Fog of War.

Maximum Score: 410 pts
150-pt. time limit: 5 days
100-pt. time limit: 10 days
Player CO: Penny
Enemy CO(s): Greyfield
Special Condition(s): Fog of War, Rain

Overview: One loaded T-copter captures Greyfield’s HQ while a Flare and a
Penny/B-copter combination protects your HQ and provides the power

Greyfield never had a chance.

Day 1:

– Build Infantry in southern factory.

Day 2:

– Move Infantry 1W and begin capturing airport.

Day 3:

– Finish capturing airport.

Day 4:

– Move Infantry 1N.
– Build T-copter in airport.
– Build Flare in northern factory.

Day 5:

– Load T-copter with Infantry and move T-copter 6E.
– Move Flare 1N.
– Build B-copter in airport.

Day 6:

– Move T-copter 6E.
– Load Penny into B-copter and move Penny/B-copter 6E.

Day 7:

– Move T-copter 2E 3S and drop Infantry E.
– Fire Flare 5E of its current position.
– Move Penny/B-copter 2E 4N and destroy enemy T-copter from the south.

Day 8:

– Begin capturing Greyfield’s HQ.
– Move Penny/B-copter 2W and attack enemy Infantry from the south.

Day 9:

– Destroy enemy Infantry with Penny/B-copter.
– Finish capturing Greyfield’s HQ.

Strategy and video by GipFace. Map image by DieselPheonix.